Dr. Daniel Siegel captures the parents heart: "As parents we want to have loving, lasting, and meaningful relationships with our children."¹ And yet creating this is complex, mysterious, and daunting.
Parent Coaching provides effective tools to help you get back on stable ground with your children. Muir Wood parents click here to learn more about the Muir Wood LLC parent program, the Online Parent Aftercare Class (PAC).
¹ Parenting from the Inside Out, ©2014, pg 55
PARENT coaching
Life is not always friendly which can leave us struggling be "okay" despite our best efforts. These experiences can haunt our thoughts and undermine our connections. Healing can seem impossible.
I specialize in helping you put the trauma in the past using several powerful tools to help you find the calm space in this chaotic world. My favorite tool is brainspotting – strange name, but powerful and gentle in bringing rapid healing around these hurts and traumas. As well as many other tools available. I encourage you to check out for more information on this amazing approach.
TRAUMA therapy
COUPLES therapy
When it comes to life satisfaction, our romantic relationships are number one. However, research suggests that things aren’t going too well in this arena. The good news is that we now know the keys to developing healthy intimate partnerships and healing the hurts that inevitably happen.
I can help you create the relationship your seeking. 75% to 85% of couples who truly invest and do this work find significant improvements in the quality and satisfaction of their intimate relationships. Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT) provides a solid way to help couples develop and maintain the kind of connection they long for and seek. You can get more information on this approach
Contact me and let me help you into this meaningful relationship.
Life can be messy and the struggle can leave us in a place where it is hard to breath, feel safe, trust, relax, and generally enjoy life. At the root of this is the longing for safe loving relationships. Intra-Connected, is here to help you find healing so you can sleep well, be less reactive, feel the good stuff again, and enjoy your relationships.
For 35 years my life’s work has been helping people make sense of their emotions and develop healthy relationships. Relationships can energize us; they can infuse us with hope, enjoyment, and a sense of purpose and meaning.
Today, I specialize in helping individuals and families resolve traumas and couples build intimate relationships infused with peace and enjoyment. For those willing to do the work, there are answers. And I have the privilege to guide, support, and help you in your work.
I provide in-person Individual and Couples Therapy, as well as Parent Coaching Services, in and around the Reno, Nevada area. In many cases I also provide remote services and am licensed to provide the full range of services in the states of Oregon, California, and Nevada.
Please contact me me for a free consult to help you move towards healthy connections.
Featured Resource
In this short video, I offer a practical tool based in child development research as a free support for parents. We can't keep our kids safe from all harm, but we can create a strong relationship so that they are more likely to come to us when it happens. The underlying idea is that positive interactions promote a positive response. Creating positive interactions is one powerful tool that we can use to strengthen our connection and give our kids the experience of our attunement and co-regulation.
Newsletter Archive
View past email newsletters, including articles, videos, tools and more, by clicking the links below.
The Three Rs with Free Hot Penning Exercise
4 Key Insights: Reach Your Parenting Goals
New Study: 44% US Parents Shifting Parenting Approach
Awareness: The Beginning of Change
Parental Authority vs Child Autonomy: Part 1
Part 2: Does Child Autonomy Matter?
Part 4: Who Owns Control of a Child?
Part 5: Is Safety Really Our #1 Job as Parents?
Part 6: The Real #1 Job of Parents
Part 7: What Can Star Wars Teach Us About Parenting?
Part 8: What is Relationship First Parenting?
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